Wildflower Mixture - 11 Variety - Seed Packet - Postcard Mailer Size 4" x 6.5"


Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
100 $0.367 each
250 $0.210 each
500 $0.157 each
1000 $1.360 each
1500 $1.350 each
2000 $1.330 each
  • Eco Friendly/Social Service Agencies/Hunger Relief Agencies/Non Profit Groups
  • Enviromental Awareness Campaigns/Earth Day/City Beautification Programs
  • Certified Organic Seeds Availalble
  • Children's Education/Life Skills/Health Lifestyles
Wildly popular. We've selected annuals, biennials, and perennials to give your garden a changing palette of color from year to year.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
4" x 6.5"

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Decoration detail: Top Front 1" x 3.5" W, Bottom Front 2" x 3.5", Back 3" x 5".

Packaging: Packet/ Bulk Packed Corrugated Carton.